How to Build a Raised Garden Bed

You may be wondering how to build a raised garden bed for a raised bed garden? Building raised garden beds is a simple project and not very hard to build. You can build your raised bed garden from almost anything including wood, concrete blocks, or stone.
All you need are a few materials, a small space in your yard, and a few hours to build and complete. The most widely used material used is wood.
Raised garden beds are great for small yards and spaces for growing colorful flowers and delicious fresh vegetables.
How to Build a Raised Garden Bed Video
In this installment of Lowes Home Improvement series, this video will show you how to build a raised garden bed to grow fresh veggies and flowers, if your space is limited.
Raised Bed Gardening Tools & Materials
- Compound Miter Saw or Circular Saw and Blades
- Drill / Driver and Bits
- Tape Measure
- Speed Square
- Saw Horses
- Staple Gun and Staples
- Tin Snips
Shovel - Spading Fork
- Garden Rake
- Trowel
- Garden Hose and Nozzle or Wand
- Soaker Hose
- Hose-End Water Timer
- Work Gloves
- Safety Glasses
- Hearing Protection
- 2-in x 4-in Lumber (Actual: 1.4687-in x 3.4687-in)
- Deck / Exterior Screws
- Wide-Mesh Hardware Cloth
- Heavy-Duty Plastic Sheeting
- Garden Soil
- Compost
- Plants
Building raised garden beds is a fun project for the whole family and a great idea for teaching kids how to grow their own garden.
You do not have to be elaborate to produce fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers. With a raised garden bed, you can customize your garden as you want.
For more information on how to build a raised bed garden you can read my article here